The Northumberland County Forest Products Marketing Board was formed in 1974 under government regulations, on a request from NWOA to establish a Marketing Plan covering primary forest products originating from private woodlots in the County of Northumberland, with the exception of Parish of Alnwick and Rogersville. A plebiscite of woodlot owners was conducted under the supervision of the New Brunswick Forest Products Commission.

In order to be successful, the plebiscite had to confirm: 1) that 50% of the private woodlot acreage was represented in the vote and 2) that 75% of those voting were in favour of a marketing plan. The result of the vote was that 70.1% of the eligible acreage was represented and 99.1% votes were cast in favour of the marketing plan.

The Marketing Board was given the power to negotiate contracts for forest products, to encourage production and marketing of high quality forest products and the adoption of good woodlot management practices, and to co-operate with other local and provincial Boards in New Brunswick. The Marketing Board is governed by its Board of Directors, who meets periodically and reviews the operation, the operating policies are set by the Board of Directors and the staff implement said policies in the day to day operation of the business. The operation and activities of the Marketing Board are overseen by the New Brunswick Forest Products Commission.

The operation of the Board is financed through the “Administration Check-Off Levy” and certain forest management activities are financed through the “Silviculture Check-Off Levy.” The Marketing Board has the ability to collect these levies on all private wood produced in the regulated area. Since its inception in 1974, Northumberland Forest Products Marketing Board has contributed over $300 million in wood sales supporting the local industry and economy. 

In summary, Northumberland Forest Products Marketing Board came about as a result of the following: 

A         -          Many sellers / few Buyers

B         -          Crown Timber as dominate source

A + B = Market distortion

Market distortion = unfair prices, discriminatory buying



The Northumberland County Woodlot and Pulp Producers Association Inc., referred to as “Northumberland Woodlot Owners Association” (NWOA) has been in operation since 1972, and has been providing forest management programs for all private woodlot owners in the County. NWOA was established to promote, encourage, and oversee effective and sustainable forest management practices. Our goal is to promote good forest stewardship on all private woodlots within the County. Northumberland County consists of approximately 3,500 woodlot owners, and over 345,000 acres of forested area. The Association is operated and directed by a Board of Directors composed of 13 individual woodlot owners who have a vested interest in the future of the area served by the Association representing the woodlot owners.

We administer silviculture and alternative harvesting treatments in order to provide a continual renewable resource: trees. In short, this means that when a woodlot owner comes to the Association for advice and guidance on properly managing his/her land, we provide them with the necessary tools to ensure they get the most out of their woodlot. Their goals might be to plant or harvest trees, to provide habitat for wildlife, to have a place for recreational activities such as hunting and fishing, or to merely enjoy the natural beauty of their land